4 May 2023

Industrial insulation and environmental sustainability: what about the results?

Teknovs Thermal Blankets For Insulation

Talking about the goals of environmental sustainability – civil society is aiming to – nothing is more effective than industrial insulation devices.

Bespoke manufacture for ensure energy savings in hot and cold cycle regimes.

Results achieved by resorting to thermal insulation activity, involving mainly energy-intensive industries.

What are these results, in terms of numbers? And how much do they really affect sustainability?

Environmental sustainability: what does insulation have to do with it?

Henceforth we can hear everywhere people talking about sustainability, referring to this term as responsible use of resources, in order to reduce the environmental impact and ensure the development of human activity respectful of the ecosystem.

In this discourse are concerned all those mechanisms aimed at ensuring less risks for the environment: reduction of waste, less emissions, energy efficiency, etc…

The heat insulation ensured by the caulking is certainly included into this category, since, according to estimates reported by Enea, industrial plants are responsible for more than 44% of national electricity consumption.

Insulating items, such as insulating mats and heat tapes for tubes – produced by Teknovis3 – ensure less heat loss and reduction of greenhouse gases; but a safer environment for its employees as well, both in terms of microclimate and possible accidents at work.

Environmental sustainability is a complex matter

The final aims of energy sustainability, and what is needed to realize them, are not the same for every company.

For this reason, Teknovis3 products have a significant ductility: they move flexibly between different industrial plants, based on different energy needs.

The services are customized to

  • Steel
  • pharmaceutical
  • agri-food
  • automotive
  • chemistry
  • gas and oil
  • foils industires

Depending on the temperature, the fluid transported and the energy regime at which the plant works, it is consequently convenient to choose one insulating product rather than another, moving between heat mats for hot cycles, cold cycles and insulating protections to be used for corrosive materials.

To achieve important results in environmental sustainability, nothing is more effective than industrial insulation products. Pictured is a Teknovis thermal mattress.

How to make this become true?

To achieve the in order for the various goals of energy sustainability to be adequately achieved with Industrial insulation, we need to work with great professionalism and precision.

That’s why Teknovis has set up a research team aiming: to guarantee more and more innovative solutions, that can be modulated and adapted on the basis of different paths of environmental sustainability of customers.

Technology and insulation for a good environmental sustainability.

This is combined with a highly precise process on which the installation of Teknovis3 insulation devices is based.

The insultation devices are implanted followings technical surveys, with assessments that also concern geometry of places: thanks to the possibility of using flexible materials, excellent for narrow and poky spaces.

Environmental sustainability and IOT

If it guarantees a good result practically speaking – to a well- studied installation will undoubtedly follow satisfactory results- the sustainability aim is limited if there is no possibility to constantly track the results achieved.

The data are accessible to customers thanks to the IOT technology of the Gaia platform, but also using the technology tool Teknocode.

Environmental sustainability path monitored

The path of environmental sustainability results in a perfectly quantified goal thanks to Teknovis3 monitoring tools.

We can put a light on a successful case Teknovis3 with an agri-food company: a reduction in energy emissions of 1000 tons per year, this means, for the most “green” lovers, in 3,324 Mwh, an equivalent of about 41,000 trees planted.

We cannot forget, however, that energy saved also means saving money almost Eur 100.000.

The insulating products Teknovis3

For information on Teknovis3 insulating devices, visit the dedicated page and fill in the form.

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