The most common questions about Teknovis3 industrial insulation systems and their use are answered briefly and comprehensively in our FAQ.
The following information must be provided in order to have an offer of our products:
Yes. Our products can be made for both indoor and outdoor environments. It is advisable to know the location of the elements at the time of the bid request.
No tools are required for installation.
Our artifacts are very quick to install and uninstall, and they can be assembled and disassembled as often as it is deemed appropriate to intervene on the elements for maintenance needs.
Our products are very effective. They allow a thermal reduction up to 90% depending on the operating and environmental conditions in which they are installed. Moreover, the thermal reduction allows a considerable improvement of the microclimate in the workplaces where they are installed.
Due to the thermal abatement achieved, the external temperature of our artifacts is significantly reduced from the operating temperature, thus eliminating the risk of contact burns.
In addition, they protect the plant personnel against possible fluid leakages. The use of FTB pH-i enables the visualization of any leakages. Please visit the FTB pH-i and Corrosivity
The effectiveness of our products can be verified either by the traditional thermographic survey method or by using our Gaia e-Tracker System.
Please visit the Gaia page
The thermographic survey allows us to have an instantaneous image that highlights the temperatures on the surface of the object on which it is carried out.
Gaia’s application with its sensors, allows:
Please visit the Gaia page