Best practices for
industrial thermal insulation

TEK-SEM method

Teknovis3, depending on the thermal insulation requirements, carries out a real sharing activity (analysis, consultancy and solution construction) that enables the client to obtain the best insulation for real energy saving and CO2 emission reduction.

The performance of the solutions is achieved by the TEK Save Energy Method (TEK-SEM), i.e. the application of standardized procedures for thermal industrial insulation, the use of 3D laser scanning systems for the plants requiring thermal insulation and GAIA, a patented energy performance monitoring system.

By combining the different steps of the TEK-SEM Method for industrial thermal insulation, the Teknovis3 customer has the possibility to implement the best industrial insulation solution, increasing energy saving performance, reducing CO2 emissions and giving more security to their employees.

The 6 steps of the TEK-SEM method guarantee the best result in the industrial thermal insulation process

Step 1 tek sem method
1 step: analysis and evaluation of the customer's needs (on site or remotely).

Step 2 tek sem method
2 step: 3D laser scanning and/or manual inspection of the plant elements with relative mapping and area identification.

Step 3 metodo tek sem
3 step: Customised quantification of Energy Saving and CO2 reduction potential with Pay Back indication compared to the supply offer.
*values could also be taken in other units of measurement (e.g. M3 gas)

Step 4 tek sem method
4 step: Insulation system design and production. Made in Italy design and manufacturing.

Step 5 tek sem method
5 step: Training and support during installation, assembly training with eventual support of customized picture manuals.

Step 6 tek sem method
6 step: Performance monitoring with the Gaia IOT platform. Data collection and calculation of the performance of installed products and other types of insulation.

Applications of our industrial insulation systems
Our company's industrial insulation solutions have a variety of applications, ensuring energy savings and reduction of CO2 emissions of different types of plants, to achieve the goals of environmental sustainability in production processes and personnel safety.
Types of application

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