Industrial insulation: customized for your company

Customised industrial insulation is a very complicated operation, consisting of a series of assessments, as each plant has certain characteristics. Pictured here are Teknovis thermal insulation blankets.

Insulating speaking your industrial plant is a profitable decision for all companies; moreover the need to customize the devices, making them tailored to your needsis common.Insulating speaking consists of a sequence of studies and surveys to be performed with competence.We are talking about at the main important results: energy efficiency and reduction of C02 emmissions.There […]

Which are the advantages of insulation in industry: why efficiency?

The advantages of industrial insulation are definitely related to environmental impact and greenhouse gas emission, which occurs to a lesser extent with these devices. Pictured is an image of a thermal insulation mat applied to pipes.

Which are the advantages of insulation in industry: why efficiency? And why do the latter and energy efficiency go hand in hand? Efficiency is the responsible and smart use of energy. In the context of an industrial environment, it means rational optimisation, using state-of-the-art technology, of one’s own productivity and energy distribution. This improvement is […]